Name Email Lab & Website
James Baldassano Baldassano , James
Postdoctoral Research at the National Institute of Health
James.Baldassano [at] Postdoctoral Research at the National Institute of Health
Allison Coffin Coffin, Allison
Co-founder and President of the Association of Science Communicators Associate Professor of Biomedical Sciences at Creighton University
allison.coffin [at] Coffin Lab
Michael Dent Dent, Michael
Professor of Psychology, Director of Undergraduate Studies, Cognitive Area Head
mdent [at] Dent Lab at University at Buffalo
Nikolas Francis Francis, Nikolas
Assistant Professor, University of Maryland College Park
cortex [at] Francis Lab
Maggie Matern Matern, Maggie
Instructor, Otolaryngology (Head and Neck Surgery)
mmatern [at] Research Division of Otolaryngology (Head and Neck Surgery) at Stanford University
Nora Prior Prior, Nora
Assistant Professor, Psychology at Cornell University
nhp32 [at] Social Sensory Neurogenomic Research Team at Cornell University
Maureen Shader Shader, Maureen
Assistant Professor, Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences, Purdue University
mshader [at] BRAiN Lab at Purdue University
Matthew Winn Winn, Matthew
Associate Professor, University of Minnesota, Department of Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences
mwinn [at] Listen Lab at University of Minnesota