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Coffin Lab

Association of Science Communicators

What are you working on lately? My research examines the cellular mechanisms of hearing loss from diverse toxic insults (noise, ototoxic drugs) and works to develop preventative or restorative therapies. Current research also seeks to identify occult hearing (oto) toxins and develop predictive models to determine ototoxic potential early in pre-clinical drug development. Beyond my biomedical research, I’m interested in how endogenous factors like hormones and exogenous agents like aquatic toxicants impact fish sensory systems. Finally, as the co-founder and President of the Association of Science Communicators (formerly Science Talk), I’m interested in how science communication practitioners and researchers can work together to increase the impact of science in society. 

What did you learn while on the CEBH training grant that you still use today? My time on the CEBH training grant provided a strong foundation in comparative auditory research that I still use today. My biomedical research uses both zebrafish and rodent models, and I study both Pacific salmon and plainfin midshipman fish for my more fish-centric work. Thanks to CEBH I can integrate information across diverse vertebrate models to discover shared aspects of hearing and to identify evolutionary specializations.

Do you have any advice for current trainees? My advice to current trainees is simple in principle but often challenging for introverted scientists – get out of the lab and network! Develop and maintain relationships with other CEBH trainees (including former trainees), program faculty, and the broader auditory community around the beltway. Our networks help us hone our research ideas, launch collaborations, find job opportunities, and make conference dinners more fun!

Areas of Interest

  • Cellular mechanisms of hearing loss and drug develop to prevent hearing impairment


  • B.S.
    Marine Biology, Florida Institute of Technology
  • M.S.
    Fisheries, University of Minnesota
  • Ph.D.
    Biology, University of Maryland College Park
Allison Coffin
Coffin Lab
allison.coffin [at]