What are you working on lately? I remain interested in measuring hearing in animals. Current Dent Lab projects include comparing behavioral with physiological measures of hearing across the lifespan and following noise exposure in mice, determining whether mice with Alzheimer's pathologies have early- onset hearing loss relative to their wild-type counterparts, and correlating hearing with vocalizations in mouse models of Alzheimer's disease, FOXG1 syndrome, and Autism Spectrum Disorders.
What did you learn while on the CEBH training grant that you still use today? While a member of the CEBH, I learned the importance of collaborating with experts in the field - including experts in different departments as well as across the world. We can learn a lot from people in fields different from our own.
Do you have any advice for current trainees? I recommend attending any and all seminars across the university that you can. Network extensively at conferences and present your findings as often as you can so you get better at the process. Maintain memberships in your societies. The Acoustical Society of America in particular has excellent training and networking opportunities for students. Make friends with fellow trainees - they're the only other ones who know what you are going through!
Areas of Interest
- Acoustic Communication in Animals
Ph.D.University of Maryland