What are you working on lately? My current research focuses on utilizing stem cell-based inner ear organoid models to investigate the function of different transcription factors in sensory hair cell development and maturation. This work bridges both my Ph.D. research with Dr. Ronna Hertzano at the University of Maryland School of Medicine (which was supported by the CEBH training grant) and my postdoctoral training with Dr. Stefan Heller at Stanford University.

What did you learn while on the CEBH training grant that you still use today? I am especially grateful to the CEBH training grant for its comprehensive coursework in inner ear biology and its formalized training in grant-writing. I use this knowledge every day!

Do you have any advice for current trainees? My advice for current trainees is to be persistent! The most challenging aspect of our work is facing rejection, and it takes courage to persevere and try again.


  • B.S.
    Bachelor of Science, University of New Hampshire, Genetics (2013)
  • Ph.D.
    Doctor of Philosophy, University of Maryland Baltimore, Epidemiology and Human Genetics (2019)
Maggie Matern
Research Division of Otolaryngology (Head and Neck Surgery) at Stanford University
mmatern [at] stanford.edu